Precise, Strong, Adaptive & Versatile

Relentless All-Terrain
Jet Dispenser

Precise, Strong, Adaptive & Versatile

Process Jetting / dispensing speed Piezo Jet Valve
Max Frequency: 2’000’000 dots/h
BGA Pattern Jet-on-the-Fly: 780’000 dots/h (glue)
BGA Pattern Stop & Jet: 177’000 dots/h
    Shockwave Jet Valve for Solder Paste Jetting
Max Frequency: 780’000 dots/h
BGA Pattern Jet-on-the-Fly: 480’000 dots/h
Average board speed Jet-on-the-Fly: 280’000 dots/h
    Time Pressure Valve
BGA Pattern speed: 38’000 dots/h
    Archimedean Screw Valve
BGA Pattern speed: 30’000 dots/h
    Volume Valve
BGA Pattern speed: 26’000 dots/h
  Dispensing mode Dot, line, curve, interpolated 3D contour
Accuracy Placement XY dots ±40 μm (3σ)
  Positioning Z axis ±20 μm (3σ)
PCB PCB dimensions 560 x 610 mm (22 x 24“)
Dimensions Machine footprint 1’557 x 1’357 mm (61 x 53“)

Multitalent Software
at your Fingertips

State of the art, full graphics,  21.5”, 16:9 HD wide touch screen, fingertip operation, universal CAD conversion,
zoom at camera windows, all-in-one job planning, setup optimisation, stock management, ERP/MES connection,
data analysis, line management and more.

Review Rohde & Schwarz

For over 30 years, efficiency, technology and quality have been continuously promoted, especially in SMT production. However, new technical developments of modern assemblies led to new requirements for a combined gluing and soldering process in the SMD assembly. The aim is to reduce manufacturing costs through improved automation and ensure the high quality standards.

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Review from Hekatron GmbH

Industry 4.0 increasingly encourages the remote observation and inspection of systems. Hekatron assembles its products exclusively in Germany. They currently use Essemtec “Spider” & "Tarantula" dispensers to conduct the dispensing applications for their SMD large-scale production in Sulzburg.

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    Piezo Jet Shockwave Jet Volume Screw Time-Pressure
    SMD-Adhesives, Underfill,
Silver Epoxy, UV-Adhesives,
Globe Top, Encapsulation,
Solder Paste, Dielectric Ink
Solder Paste,
Liquid Metal
Underfill, Gasketing,
Globe Top, Dam and Fill,
Solder Paste
Solder Paste, SMD-Adhesive,
Globe Top, Encapsulation,
Silver Epoxy, Dam and Fill
Gasketing, Globe Top,
Encapsulation, Solder Paste,
SMD-Adhesive, Silver Epoxy,
Dam and Fill
    Low - High Viscosity High Viscosity Low - High Viscosity High Viscosity High Viscosity
    Max Frequency: 2’000’000 dots/h
BGA Jet-on-the-Fly: 780’000 dots/h
BGA Stop & Jet: 177’000 dots/h
Max Frequency: 780’000 dots/h
BGA Jet-on-the-Fly: 480’000 dots/h
Average Speed: 280’000 dots/h
26’000 dots/h
(BGA Pattern*)
30’000 dots/h
(BGA Pattern*)
38’000 dots/h
(BGA Pattern*)

* Full Speed, Dot size 0.5 mm, dot matrix 0.8 x 0.8 mm, 1000 dots, medium: Loctite 3621


Optional Equipment
For our Dispensers

Since 1991, we have been evaluating and developing solutions for your electronics production in cooperation with you.
Due to their highly flexible design, the modular machine platforms are ideally suited for RFNS (Request For Non-Standard).
Our engineers assist you in the development of your production process, on request.

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Naturally adaptive

Integrate into high speed lines and highly complex dispense applications. Three processes at the same time. Plug and Play for valve change. Piezo Jet Valve - super high speed for low viscosity. Solder Jet, Volume Displacement, Time/Pressure, Archimedean Screw Valve. Full operator support - Automated error analysis & KPI. Training, support and troubleshooting via advanced remote access. Investment protection; all options and heads retrofittable.